Coming up in September...
September 22 The Silver Linings
2:00 pm Local musical duo performing a variety of classic rock, alternative country, and more!
September 22 The Silver Linings
2:00 pm Local musical duo performing a variety of classic rock, alternative country, and more!
THANK YOU to all who supported last year's Sunday on the Lawn concerts!
Despite losing 3 performance to bad weather in July, and then the Altoona Area HS Band on September 17th, it was a great 2023 Season !
June: 341 Trio - Allegheny Ukulele Kollektive
August: Joe & Lauren - Altoona Brass Collective
46th PA Regiment Band - The Silver Linings
September: San Tones Orchestra + Horseshoe Cloggers
We are looking forward to our 2024 Sunday on the Lawn season!